The Homestone

Thursday, October 18, 2007

October sunrises and Mom's birthday

The last few days have seen some spectacular sunrises. The mornings have been crisp and cold with lots of sparkle! It's become overcast and windy this afternoon so it's a great time for being hard at work indoors looking out at the changing season. David and I are staying busy and both feeling so much better than we did in September. The cranial palsy that I developed in early September as a result of the virus we picked up, hasn't let up yet ~ but if the docs are right, it should clear up within a few weeks now. After a month and a half of double vision in one eye and the attending rotten headaches, it makes me supremely thankful for my usual good health and the use of all my senses. Just a good reminder to take care and not take anything for granted.
Yesterday would have been my dear Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom. She'd be 73 today.
She would have two beautiful granddaughters (my sister Laura's daughters) and would, without a doubt, be happily involved in their lives and marvelling at the bright, lovely girls they are. This time of year, she might be making 'Apple Crips' with them.
It's amazing how evocative handwriting can be ~ In her memory and in her own hand, here's Mom's Apple Crisp Recipe.
Time now for me to make some dinner and perhaps a dessert from Mom's cookbook which has a magic way of making me feel she's close.
Oh, how she would have loved the big wood cook stove I have in my kitchen and the view out my kitchen window ...
Love you Mom.
(Patricia at 18)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Oct 4th Snow in the Chilcotin

The first of October went something like this. . . spectacular fall colours and the sheep content with their lot in life :) Our Canada Geese made a brief appearance yesterday evening to say so long till spring. At least we were pretty certain that is what they were doing...
And then this morning ... Winter, she's upon us!
It's the 4th of October and the snow was falling at 4am last night. It just quit at 2:30 this afternoon. Very pretty and bit of a shock as an early first snowfall always is!
It'll melt, we're almost certain. Still, it's a darn good motivator to get those last outdoor jobs sewn up.
Just as an aside ... Our official ' email responder' ; (that'll be me; Nicola) is still suffering somewhat due to the cranial nerve palsy ~ double vision, headaches .... not much fun, but this too shall pass :)
I just want to apologize again about my painfully slow responses to some folks. I will write ~ we are here ~ and I thank you again for your patience!
How about that snow eh?!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's been one of those months!

The end of September already!! While it's been a quiet couple of months on the homestone blog, busy has been the name of the game around the homestead and busy we are still. The haying is done, the summer has fled and while autumn is showing her glorious colours, it will not be long now till the first snow flies.
David and Vince are almost finished putting the addition on our garage to house the truck and plow in preparation for the winter months ahead. The mountains of firewood we will need for winter is also on the immediate to do list and we are dealing with some rather inconvenient medical challenges right now as well. I seem to have developed an rather uncommon cranial nerve palsy. A by-product of a nasty virus David and I picked up at the beginning of September which we are still not 100% recovered from. The palsy is causing double vision in my right eye and nasty headaches. It's not the end of the world but it has been a worry and it has slowed down my work on the computer quite considerably. To any of our wood ring folks dropping in to the Homestone ~ please bear with me and know that you will hear from me as soon as possible.
Apart from that, life is good. These are spectacularly beautiful days. Rich golds and yellows all around us and the reappearance of our four legged autumn visitors.
We have taken lots of pictures of the changing season and will post some soon. Till next time ~ take care and to our wood ring folks; thanks for your patience.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Haying with horses

August in the Cariboo-Chilcotin means haying time. Our 20 acres of hay meadows have been hayed for more than 100 years. The old timers in the area know these meadows well as do their children and many of their grandkids.
This year, as in years past, our friend and closest neighbour; Gordon Woods brought in his team of horses to hay the meadows the old fashioned way.
One of his Belgians; Jerry, is an old hand at haying ~ the mare is new to the task this year and Gord is quite pleased with how well she's taken to it.
Friends and family pitch in at different stages of the haying ritual.
A lunch break; and Gord's sister Vi from Kamloops tucks herself into the little log cabin and puts out an awesome spread for the crew including her own incredibly delicious smoked salmon.
It was a good crop of hay this year and it will help keep Gordon's livestock well fed this winter.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

August on the meadow

We awoke to a very frosty world this morning. Summer is not long here. Here are a few pics to capture August on the meadow.
The main hay fields looking toward the house and cabin.
And, the first of the hay laid down :)
Our three little robins on their last day in the nest. And the tree; no more than 5 feet tall where mama robin built her nest. Right next to the horseshoe pits too !!
Lovely pastoral scenes.
The sheep enjoying their green pasture and the blue skies.
Below, 'Mister' our 4 year old ram watches a deer up on the ridge. Look at all those beetle killed pines!! So much to do. All of it enjoyable.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Early August days

Today is overcast with light showers.
These are beautiful summer days, made especially nice by our cool meadow nights.
Here are a few photographs David took the other day. One of the 'Standing People'; a gigantic spruce tree ( David's brother Vinny can be seen at the base of the tree), an old corral and some pretty summer thistles.

Friday, July 27, 2007

pleased as a smiling pickle

" I'm as pleased as a smiling pickle! (which is pretty splendid if you like relish)." This comment was from a fellow in response to a long overdue email from me. He who is 'pleased as a smiling pickle' is about to begin the process of designing his wooden rings.
New folks wandering into our lives, beginning a process with a purpose, enriching our lives with their thoughts and ideas and always touching our hearts and making us smile. 'Our smiling pickle' just made me grin. The people who appear in our in-box and come into our lives are good humans :)
It's a warm day today. 27 celcius, 80 F. David and I made a quick and early trip into town the other day to take care of some business. Morning is the right time to travel our 30 dusty miles of logging roads and 'town' these days is hot and socked in.
A day when we don't have to go to town is always a much better day. We just like it here. Fortuantely we are self sufficient enough that we normally don't go to town more than once a month. We're back and forth a bit more in the summer months but the majority of our days are spent blissfully on the meadow.
New life on the meadow. Our robins hatched.
And we are, to borrow a phrase, pleased as smiling pickles.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Swallow babies take flight

Another pic of our two baby swallows who were prematurely ousted from their nest when it came down in a wind storm. We made this ‘guest house’ for them where they were tended to by their mom for a few days and now they’re up and off, and attending flight school with all the other swallow babies. It was a satisfying moment as we watched them take to the air after two nights in their makeshift nest. It appears as though our cool days have come to an abrupt end. Clear blue skies this morning and quite hot already at 10am. It will be time to hay the meadows very soon now.