The Homestone

Showing posts with label off the grid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label off the grid. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2016

It's Official. Winter has arrived.

November on the meadow
 We've had our first week or so of snow now, so it's official.
Winter has arrived.

 Our stone circle is looking so pretty with snow caps on the stones.
The fire pit is a welcome addition at the edge of the circle.

  The creek is just beginning to freeze.
 We are truly blessed and so grateful for our quiet corner of the world.
Wishing one and all a gentle start to the season ~ wherever you are in the world.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 2016 ~ a wintry world

Arriving home from a trip to town any day is a treat.  We especially enjoy driving the last 7 km which is basically our own road. David plows it and looks after it and keeps it open in the winter months.
These pics are from that 7 km drive and then arriving through our gate and down the last stretch of driveway to our home sweet home.
It's a beautiful drive, regardless of the season but I'm pretty partial to these frosty winter days.  I'm guessing we have about 20 inches of snow right now and we will see more, there's no doubt.  We're thankful for it too ~ us and the trees and the forest floor and all the critters who rely on having four distinct seasons.

We hope you are also enjoying the kind of January you like best...
Till later.  Thank you ~ as always for dropping by.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The short dark days of mid December.

Winter has come to the meadow.  
We are almost at the shortest day of the year. I'm very thankful we work at home.  I was chatting with a woman at the post office in town yesterday and she was saying how she goes to work in the dark and arrives home when it's dark and only sees her yard on weekends. 
We are so fortunate to be working at home during these short December days.  If there is a sunny break today I will gather up my camera and my iPod, don my warm woollies and head out to take some photographs. Though it's already 1 pm so it's unlikely we'll see sunshine today.
In the meantime, here are some pics from the last 10 days around the meadow.

A couple of pics of David's green thumb at work.  Our first amaryllis bloom with more on the way.

See you again soon. The sun WILL shine.  The days WILL get longer.  
Till then, much love and many merries. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mid November on the Meadow

 Some mid-November Meadow moments.  Welcome! 
Our dear Whiskey Jacks looking a little bedraggled today.  First real snowfall of the year. Hopefully the treats at the feeders warm them up a little.

Just before today's Whiskey Jack snow fall, David and I took a wander round the meadow and got some pics of our almost winter white world ~ that transition day when fall is almost a memory under the first brush strokes of winter.

  Looking up ~ way up.

   The days are short now.  Sunsets sneak up on us.
   Welcome to Winter on the meadow. It's a beautiful time of year!