The Homestone

Thursday, January 14, 2016

January 2016 ~ a wintry world

Arriving home from a trip to town any day is a treat.  We especially enjoy driving the last 7 km which is basically our own road. David plows it and looks after it and keeps it open in the winter months.
These pics are from that 7 km drive and then arriving through our gate and down the last stretch of driveway to our home sweet home.
It's a beautiful drive, regardless of the season but I'm pretty partial to these frosty winter days.  I'm guessing we have about 20 inches of snow right now and we will see more, there's no doubt.  We're thankful for it too ~ us and the trees and the forest floor and all the critters who rely on having four distinct seasons.

We hope you are also enjoying the kind of January you like best...
Till later.  Thank you ~ as always for dropping by.