The Homestone

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A mid-May Snow Storm

Spring showers. The shower on May 12th was heavy and white, and a bit of a shock to us but more of a shock to the poor wee hummingbirds and the swallows. The ground and the forest will benefit ~ it was a good soak. And we were pleased this morning to see that almost nothing remained of the snow. We are still getting freezing temperatures almost every night so it is still too early to plant, even in the greenhouse... but soon, surely!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I woke up to 5 cm of snow this morning...the windchill is -12 and it really is CCCCOLLLD out there. I thought the winter was gone for good but i guess i was wrong. your pictures are beautiful tho and if it wasn't that long, winter could be soo soooo nice lol