The Homestone

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27th

 “Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.” 
Mary Oliver
With apple blossoms and wild roses

Flowers humming in the dappled sunlight

wood and water ...

 The green and cool of our 'mountain' meadow.
It's a gentle life.
David and I celebrate our anniversary today.
"Truly madly deeply"
And with gratitude.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Good Morning in June

If you have written to us and there has been an unreasonable lag in my response time I do apologize.
David and I were away from home for two weeks (mostly without access to internet).

We were visiting our families and helping to celebrate some milestones.  It was my little sister's fiftieth birthday, Father's Day of course, my sister in law's birthday and, most delightfully our niece Rebecca's high school Graduation.  She graduated with honours, was awarded two scholarships and will attend her local University College in the fall.  Congratulations Rebecca Diane.  The world is already a better place because of you.

It was wonderful to visit both our families; from the littlest ones to the more vintage members of the tribe.  Good to see everyone and always so satisfying to enjoy those real hugs that are virtual for too much of the year.   We love you all.  Come visit us up here on the meadow sometime.  :)  

And home again. It is always good to be home again . . .

Grazing the interweb on Saturday morning at the kitchen table over a most excellent cup of Kicking Horse Coffee (Three Sisters blend is my favourite); I came across a site called Tiny House Talk and enjoyed reading some of the articles about living in small spaces, living sustainably and living off grid.

But for now ... it's back to my emails and again, sorry if I have left you waiting for a response.
I feel rejuvenated and ready to get things done and have some fun.
Thanks for your patience and here's to a wonderful summer!! Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Chilcotin Wildflowers

 The magical moments of May 
. . . and not much else to say . . .

 ~ Enjoy ~



Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The whole wood-world ....


"The whole wood-world is one full peal of praise." 

David's lovely shot of our house and shop from the far end of the meadow.  This is a different view ~ one I really like, and will have to take again when everything is green and singing.

  Our feathered friends.  Finches and Grosbeaks
 and our hummingbirds at dusk, awaiting their seat at the sugar bar.

After a rain storm on a Tuesday afternoon . . .

 a walk about with the camera ...
Wild strawberries ....
 A little patch of wild violets ~ first I've seen this spring

Lots of greening up to come...


Indeed, in the words of Tennyson ...
"The whole wood-world is one full peal of praise."