“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after
all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and
to foster its renewal is our only hope.”
Wendell Berry
We haven't had much snow to speak of since the end of December
but we've had lots of four legged visitors.
We're all enjoying a Chilcotin Chinook at the moment.
The four leggeds and the two leggeds.
The four leggeds and the two leggeds.
The sun is doing it's January thing. Colouring the sky at sun up and sun down.
Every day ... a few more minutes of light.
The seed catalogs find their way to the kitchen table even though it will be about four months till it's time to plant. This spring we have plans to build a Walipini. An underground or pit greenhouse. We have Lots of other plans too ... getting on with our addition is at the top of the list. For now, we are enjoying the moose, the sunshine and the snow.
I'm really excited about our new greenhouse and will document it's creation.
As always, thanks for dropping by.
Hope to see you again soon.