David is incredibly in tune with our wild birds ~ he observes, listens and communicates with them. Somehow, he knew it was time! I was
sure we wouldn’t see a hummer for a few weeks yet, but David insisted on hanging a
feeder about 4 days ago and sure enough, on Sunday afternoon ~ our first
hummer arrived!!
Here’s our Sunday arrival on the tree outside our kitchen door that
we sometimes refer to as our Christmas Tree because it’s a bird magnet. During these next few
months it’s almost always completely decorated with hummingbirds and other wee birdlets.

For all you fellow bird lovers; May 9th is 'Global Big Day' under the wing (haha) of Cornell University's Lab of Ornithology. Go birding wherever you are, for any length of time on May 9 and enter your lists in ebird. Here's a link to the Global Big Day 2015 site.
Their primary goal is fundraising for their excellent work with birds, but May 9th is about finding as many species as possible for the Global Big Day tally and to have a worldwide show of support for the birds! I hope you enjoy your birds wherever you are and if you have some time on the ninth of May ~ please count and record any that you see.