For me, it's like back to school for grown ups.
Who doesn't love a fresh start.
New wall calendars. I Love them.
A new book, a new author.
Something new to wear ~ Christmas socks perhaps, a sweater, a scarf.
Starting a new journal. . .
We had a quiet time over the holidays, just David and I here on
the meadow ~ but with this amazing technology at our fingertips it’s so easy to be in touch with family and friends.
During December we enjoyed visits from our regular winter wildlife. Solstice saw the appearance of two moose, Christmas Eve our saw-whet owl perched on the tree David planted outside our front door, New Years Eve a couple of coyotes came by and on my early January birthday three moose wandered through to say hello.

I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful birthday morning! We'd had days of snow and freezing rain and while the accumulation of snow is really pretty, it had been kind of dark and dreary there for a stretch. The morning of my 57th, much to our delight ~ dawned bright and sunny!
Our visiting moose were a bonus! They seem pretty comfortable around us. Munching on willows, bedding down here and there...just delightful!! So long of leg and they are the masters of energy conservation.
David spent a few days moving mountains of snow so that we can
get around our place, and so that we can come and go from our remote property … We
have 7km of road we maintain ourselves as well as our own 48 acre
property. It’s a good life :) if a tad labour intensive at times.
And of course, we've been taking pictures!
David got this great shot of one of our coyotes hunting for voles on the meadow.
One of our long time Touch Wood friends (Adam, from Scotland) captioned it "Who Stole my Piano?!"
Here's a video I put together on the weekend from some of the 250+ pics we've taken of our moose visitors over the last week or so ... posted here especially for Sabrina :) These pics were taken in the very early morning.
Accompanied by
Bing Crosby with the Andrews Sisters singing Don't Fence Me In
We spotted a pretty red fox going over the fence ...
and a few random pics from around the place of late.
Here's hoping you have a truly wonderful 2015 with lots of good books, good friends, good crops (even if it's only counter-top sprouts) and a whole lot of joy in your days. With much love, as ever ~ Nicola and David.