The Homestone

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The deep breath that is September

Early this month the change of season began to make itself known. Bright summer greens being touched with yellows and golds after some pretty chilly nights and frosty mornings.
In our greenhouse where sunflowers volunteer

Pinks are part of the picture too this time of year
 and the ice blue of end of season asters

 Our tiny little guest cabin that awaits installation of an equally tiny wood heater we picked up earlier this summer. There's a sleeping loft and room for two at a small kitchen table...maybe a mandolin and a sketchbook ~ that's about it. I love it!

  The foot bridge and the old pump house...
 our beautiful antique hay rake...
 close up of the old corral gate
 and a brand new swallow 
the day before they all left the meadow for this year.
  The colours!! The quiet!! 
and last 
but certainly not least; 
those awesome Aspens
  Here it is in a nutshell from an informative article found on 

"Aspen form individual patches comprised of numerous stems, termed ramets, each with its own trunk, branches, leaves and a shared root system. All of these structures arose from a single aspen seed, often in the very distant past; while these patches remain connected via root systems, they comprise a single clone.

If the root system between patches is severed, the patches form physiologically separate entities but are generally still considered part of the same clone given that they are composed of genetically identical patches and parts, having been produced vegetatively.

The boundaries of different clones stand out most clearly in the early spring when flowering and leafing-out occur (in that order). Aspen occur as males and females separately, unlike the majority of tree species, which support both male and female reproductive parts on each individual."   And on it goes.  If you have a patch of aspen near you, do you notice the branching habits of each tree are similar and that the trees flower, leaf out and change colour at the same time, the same rate."

Cool, hey?! 
To read the whole article visit 
and as always, thanks so much for dropping by!  
Happy Fall.